Hi, I'm Alex!

A Devloper @ Princeton

Here are some of my projects!

My most recent project!

  • Developed and designed on a team of 5 for Princeton course administrators to change major/minor requirements
  • Programmed REST API via Flask to populate and query our database on MongoDB. Hosted on Render.
  • Note: It may take some time to load up. Princeton associated account required to view.
Check it out!

Other cool projects:

In the Service of Whom? The Daily Princeonian Career Service Special Issue
  • Designed and created a website for the Daily Princetonian’s Career Services Special Issue
  • Utilized a Linkedin inspired interface through Bootstrap cards and grid to deliver student-written articles
  • Developed a profile card, a news section showcasing past projects, and a TigerNetworks logo mimicking Linkedin’s logo
Check it out!
Mobile Cubits Chatbot Application
  • Designed and created a mobile application that utilized the newly created CUbits API endpoints and openAI, using ReactJS
  • Created a friendly user interface that displays videos and transcripts on the same screen with a search bar that can search for specific words
Check it out!
Youtube Subtitle Generator
  • Designed and created a deployed web application by utilizing Youtube Subtitles API to generate Youtube subtitle transcriptions that accelerates efficiency when creating evidence for Speech and Debate Students
  • Utilized the website as the Assistant Coach for Berkeley Preparatory High School Speech and Debate Team to achieve historic success like winning the Harvard 2023 Tournament
Check it out!
The Daily Princetonian Mental Health Special Issue
  • Designed and created a website for the Daily Princetonian’s Mental Health Awareness Month Special Issue
  • Improved user experience by utilizing a carousel component to display articles in an engaging and organized manner
Check it out!
The Daily Princetonian Disability Special Issue
  • Designed and created a website for the Daily Princetonian’s Disability Awareness Month Special Issue
  • Improved user experience by utilizing a carousel component to display articles in an engaging and organized manner
  • Created a movable map feature that displayed text about the accessibility of Princeton’s campus and linked to an article
Check it out!
Language Inclusivity Facilitator
  • Developed a terminal-run application aimed at identifying and addressing common problematic subtleties in everyday conversation, preventing micro-aggressions to facilitate increasingly diverse teams and groups that foster ingenuity
  • Implemented a Guided User Interface using the Java Swing Library to prompt the user for input text, sentence by sentence
  • Created a data set of problematic words, replacement words, reasoning, and citations
Check it out!